Friday, July 2, 2010

Library moments that make you shake your head...

Let me preface this by saying that I hope this is my only "rant" of the term. However this particular event happened 3 days ago, and I am still mortified* every time the memory pops into my head.

I am fortunate enough to work in a library that offers a ton of training opportunities and staff development programs for its employees. However, I constantly am faced with coworkers who don't strive to learn the next best thing. We all hear the term "Legacy Librarian" thrown around a lot to describe the "stuck in their ways" old school librarian who refuses to get with the program and try new things at the library.

However, our library is struck by and even bigger issue.... "legacy non-professionals." Now, I HATE the use of "non-professional" or "para-professional" in the library. I have been called it more than once, and I have to restrain myself from slapping that person.

These employees refuse to believe that the library is changing and evolving, and in turn, refuse to believe that advancements in technology have any place in our library system. This was made insanely apparent the other day when I was sitting in my cubicle and on the other side I heard a conversation. (I promise I'm not always eaves dropping!)

I don't 100% know what the discussion was about, but one person said, "Oh yes, you can see it on their blog." The other individual's response was, "What's a blog?"

Seriously? What's a BLOG?!?!?
Almost every library in our system has at least one, sometimes 2 or 3, and you don't even know what the technology is?
Ok, ok, she was "older"... but the woman works in Tech Services... TECH SERVICES! She is on a computer all day. In addition, our library in 2008 did 23 Things and kicked off the event by hosting a day long program for all staff, and the keynote speaker was the creator of the darn initiative. And guess what, he wasn't too much younger than the woman who didn't know what a blog was. Guess what Step 1 of 23 things is? Start a blog!

I know this seems like an extreme reaction, but this is just one of the many moments where I just shake my head and wonder when people will get it.

*You know you're from Philadelphia when you keep trying to spell Mortify with a 'ph' instead of an 'f' and can't figure out what you're doing wrong. Go Phillies! I have the same issue with flier vs. flyer.

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