Friday, June 4, 2010

Open Source discovery!

It's so interesting how as soon as I read about something in class, or complete a project, what I learned pops up in my work.

This week we had a meeting and the executive director of the library gave a brief presentation on vufind, a library resource portal. AccessPA is testing it out and go figure.... it's Open Source!

It uses the Evergreen System and I guess vufind kinda pops on top of it.

Click around and check out the test site.

It pulls in reviews from and Biographical information from Wikipedia, all free resources.

I don't work in circulation or in the cataloguing department in my library, but just as a customer, trying to utilize the Millenium Catalog is a pain in the butt sometimes. Vufind won't be solving all of the issues, but it's certainly a really big step in the right direction!

1 comment:

  1. This sounds interesting. I'm not from PA, but I'm going to check out the test site anyway. Thanks for posting about it!
